a definition
Co-creation can be defined as a collaborative process in which many contributors come together to help formulate a better-informed end result. This can be in the form of consistent feedback, brainstorming, and dialogue. You can learn more about dialogue here. This is useful in healthcare education, for example, when collaborators of diverse perspectives and expertise come together to develop a well-informed curriculum. Co-creation is an ongoing process that necessitates trust and critical reflection, attending to structural inequities and potential power dynamics in order to work towards meaningful partnerships that truly value all forms of knowledge and listens deeply to different perspectives.
Interaction Design Foundation. (n.d.). Co-Creation. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/co-creation.
Design Kit. (n.d.). Co-Creation Session. https://www.designkit.org/methods/co-creation-session.
Centre for Faculty Development & Centre for Advancing Collaborative Healthcare & Education. (n.d.). Strive for Dialogue. Teaching for Transformation. https://www.teachingfortransformation.com/strive-for-dialogue/.